Aaron Hernandez' Widow is Suing the NFL and the Patriots Claiming CTE


TMZAaron Hernandez’s fiancee, Shayanna Jenkins-Hernandez, says Aaron killed himself as a result of severe CTE he suffered during his NFL career — and she’s suing the the Patriots and the league for keeping him in the dark about the brain disease. 

Shayanna filed the lawsuit in Mass. on behalf of the daughter she had with Aaron.

In the suit Shayanna says, “Aaron had stage 3 CTE usually seen in players with a median age of death of 67 years.”

Shayanna claims the NFL and the Patriots were aware of the link between suicidal impulses and CTE and failed to share that info with Hernandez.

She claims the NFL and the Patriots “were fully aware of the damage that could be inflicted from repetitive impact injuries and failed to disclose, treat or protect him from the dangers of such damage.”

In her suit, Shayanna says she and her daughter are seeking “redress for the loss of parental consortium she has experienced based on the negligent conduct of Defendants that deprived her of the companionship and society of her father, Aaron Hernandez.”

I’m going to check myself here because we’re talking about a widow and a child without a father in a tough situation not of their own making. And if I was in Shayanna’s shoes, I’m sure I’d find the deepest pockets I could find and tell my lawyers to shoot their shot.

With that as a preamble, these lawyers can shove this lawsuit up their asses. Aaron Hernandez was pure evil. Period. An amoral, heartless nihilist who (allegedly) murdered two men for spilling a drink on him and then had no problem playing 10 NFL games. A vicious, coldblooded killer who put a bullet into his friend and then went home and slept like a baby. You’ve got me convinced CTE is a massive problem that football on all levels has to confront. But it can’t be an all-purpose excuse that absolves you of all responsibility for your actions.

Aaron Hernandez murdered because he was a murderer. His team and his league are no more responsible for his bloodthirsty rampages than you are. He abandoned his family he left to fend for themselves (living off whatever they collected from his life insurance) so he could go all Shooter McKilly on everyone and then take the coward’s way out in his cell. That’s on him. Not on the sport that gave him fame, popularity, financial security for his family and the future he flushed down the shitter.

Again, I don’t blame his ex for trying. But this frivolous goddamned waste of time needes to be thrown out of court.
