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Chaps' Safety Alert: Do Not Try To Bargain With This Woman Over Tea!

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I do kinda feel for the British woman. Who hasn’t been climbing mountains in Nepal and felt like they were being cheated over the price of tea or other warm beverages? I know I have.

Once I was climbing and asked my Nepalese tour guide for a venti soy cappuccino and she told me that she was extremely sorry but that she didn’t carry soy milk into the mountains. The fuck is that? No soy? What if I had a dairy allergy? I could have gotten the hives or something. Now, don’t worry. I don’t have a dairy allergy or anything. I just prefer its naturally sweeter flavor profile while also being lower in calories. I begrudgingly accepted the grande (she didn’t have venti cups which was also disappointing) cappuccino because I can be the bigger person when I need to be.

“I thought you preferred iced coffee, Chaps? Am I wrong there.”

No. That’s true. I love iced coffee but if she didn’t have soy, there’s no way she had ice. The situation was already tense so I just let sleeping dogs lie.

“Gotcha. Thanks.”

Anyway, my tour guide didn’t chase me with sticks and throw rocks at me because I relented. I’m an experienced traveler and know that it’s not worth it to carry on sometimes. What a turn of events for these people, though. Everying starts out so great.

Your son is making small talk with the tour guide and you think it’s flat-out adorable.

While eating a mouthful of chocolate, your son points to the tour guide’s shoes and says, “Those must be comfortable shoes. I bet you could climb this mountain in Nepal all day in shoes like that and not feel a thing.”

You’re feeling like the cock of the walk as the tour guide offers you tea for what you deem to be an insane amount.

“150 rupees for tea? Bollocks. Are you having a laugh, mate? That price is mad as a bag of ferrets. I’ll give you 75 rupees.”

In reality, the price of the tea wasnt all that much but she still felt like she needed to give the guide a ride.


She leans over to her son and whispers, “Watch as mommy bargains with this poor over the cost of the tea. She’ll back down and well get our afternoon spot for a next to nothing. She’ll be properly fucked.”

Next thing he knows, your son is catching a rock to the face…

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Your lesson in the bartering system can turn into a lesson on mountain survival in no time. Just pay the price of tea on the mountain or bring your own ice. Simple as that. Kinda strange that it’s the British who are upset with the price of tea now, though. My how the tables have turned.