Bill O'Reilly And Matt Lauer Share HEATED Exchange Over Sexual Harassment Claims

Crazy that it’s been 6 months now since Bill O’Reilly was fired from Fox News. One of the more interesting cases in modern media: the juggernaut, the king of cable news fired in the midst of hosting the top-rated show that had DOMINATED cable television for years. And during the most fascinating political era of our lifetimes. How did that happen? Why did that happen? Matt Lauer asks a pretty solid question — from a business standpoint, that wouldn’t happen unless Fox had some damn strong reasons.

We all know the gist of what happened: sexual harassment claims intensified to the point that Fox determined it wasn’t worth retaining, defending, and protecting O’Reilly. So, as he points out, they paid him a bunch of money to not put him on the air. Watching this interview and how O’Reilly responds, you can draw that one of two things must be true: either these 5 accusers are lying out of their teeth, or Bill O’Reilly is lying out of his teeth.

I’d love to write some funny, witty shit in here, but honestly it’s just sad. No matter how you cut it, it’s just sad.

PS — Bold claim to say you haven’t mistreated ANYONE in 32 years. What a run.

PPS — GOAT TV freakout.