Trump Made Jeff Sessions Cry By Calling Him An Idiot In The Oval Office

Can’t have the Attorney General crying like a little bitch in the Oval Office. Just can’t have it. Wtf is that shit Jeff? Toughen up dude. Oh boo hoo Trump called you an idiot. Yeah no shit he called you an idiot — guy hired you to have his back and you went and recused yourself from having his back, like an idiot. How’d you think he was going to react? Throw you a party? Invite you down for a little golf weekend at Mar-a-Lago? Let you have a turn with Melania? No you dumbass. He’s going to call you an idiot and kick you out of the Oval Office then ruthlessly shit on you on twitter. Duh. This ain’t a surprise, Jeff. This is how Donnie rolls. Pay attention.