Fox News Reporter Just Got Completely Dominated On Live TV By The Smartest Man Alive

LOLLLL. Amazing. Just like Will Ferrell at the debate in Old School. Just took the question and dunked it all over his face. The Fox News reporter walked up to that man with the intent to make him feel bad about not evacuating. The reporter wanted to scare him, guilt him, and try to make him look bad on national TV…and the result was the reporter got DOMINATED. Absolutely dominated. Old man river started spitting knowledge about longitude and latitude and due-west and throwing in all sorts of degrees and variables and I’m pretty sure he solved a quadratic equation somewhere in there too. Was making hand motions like this

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right in the reporter’s dumb face.

Brutal bad luck for the reporter. Thought he was walking up to some random jamoke with a backwards hat, and ended up getting chewed up, spit out, and booed off stage. Good job, good effort.