Battle Of The Giants: Today I Will Take On Justin Tuck In Madden At 8:45 AM Live On The Barstool Twitch Channel


A+ form on that Torture Rack, Clem! Why thank you, Clem!

So today Barstool HQ will be graced with the presence of the two-time, Two-Time, TWO-TIME Super Bowl Champion Justin Tuck. I spent many afternoons cheering on/idolizing Justin from my couch, so I fully expect to be in Chris Farley Show mode the entire time he is there as I ask about his career and those two Super Bowls where he played like a goddamn monster.

I may even print out the blog I wrote after Tuck retired and ask him to sign it. Too much? Yeah, you are probably right.

Now since Justin is obviously a busy man with the NFL season approaching, we had to fit everything around his schedule. So he will be in bright and early at 8:45 AM, which means I have to be in at 8:45 AM. Which is obviously no problem at all. Sure I am blogging on the train to NYC from Winterfell as you read this. But I will do anything to play some Madden against one of my favorite players of all-time. Plus I can take a picture of the empty office and complain how nobody works hard at Barstool. That always seems to get people riled up and lead to a bunch of fun #content.

When it comes to handicapping this match, I’m not sure how it will go. Keenan Allen lit my tits up, but I feel like Madden is more of an offensive player’s game. And I don’t imagine Justin is used to being outweighed in any competition he is in. So maybe just maybe I’ll stand a chance. The only thing that slightly concerns me is that I am 0-4 in Madden 18.

So if you want to watch Tuck and I square off on the virtual gridiron, make sure to visit and subscribe to the Barstool channel on Twitch at Twitch.TV/BarstoolSports. And while you are at it, follow @StoolGametime on Twitter and on Instagram for all gaming-related stuff here at Barstool. We should have some real fun things lined up in the near future and also are posting some of the funniest if not most ridiculous gaming videos out there.

P.S. I am definitely having him sign that blog. I don’t care how lame it makes me look. That ship sailed a LONG time ago.