BREAKING NEWS: Chris Long Tweets That He's Frustrated That He Can't Tweet Anything Without It Turning Into A Headline On Sports Blogs

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Chris Long took to twitter this afternoon to lament the fact that every little thing he tweets out wind’s up being fodder on smutty sport’s blogs. This seems like anecdotal evidence at best, and it speaks to Chris aparently giant ego that he beleves that he thinks that sport’s bloggers care enough about his opinion to write a sports blog just because he tweets something. Chris would do well to stick to sports instead of sticking his nose into my busness and telling me what is and isnt news.

The NFCs prodigal son has been discusing the Colin Kapernick saga, and giving his thoughts on wether or not he would be considered a better Quarterback if he had a haircut that was more Johnny Unitas than Johnny Riggins. The fact is, as I pointed out on Pardon My Take today, that this is America and we dont put people in leadership positions if they have unusual hairstyles. Im sorry but fact’s dont care about your feelings Chris.