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Alex Jones Singing Like Bon Iver Song Is The New Song Of The Summer

Screen Shot 2017-07-15 at 8.52.10 AM

Certified crazy person Alex Jones singing like Bon Iver is beautiful. I could listen to this song all damn day. I just might too. Grab a couple of frosty *checks to see who our beer advertiser is right now* locally crafted brews and enjoy a day by the pool.

“Hey Chaps. What are you listening to, pal? Sounds beautiful.”

“Just a little mash up of Alex Jones’ crazy words sang like Bon Iver. Soothing right?”

“Absolutely, my good bitcc. Never heard a song about eating babies sound so calming.”

“It’s the red wine of music. No doubt about that. Grab a cold one, man. There’s plenty.”

“Oh. Thanks but no thanks. I saw your tweet about Dunkin Energy Punch so I grabbed one on the way over. You’re right. They are delicious. #VivaLaDunkin”

“Which tweet?”

“This one.”

“Ha. Classic.”

Anyway, I like to imagine Alex Jones watching videos like this song. You just know he hates artsy music. Just sitting there in his leather chair listening to some liberal puss puss croon his vitriolic rants. It must drive him even more insane. Deep down inside he knows that the music is beautiful. That’s what will eat him alive today, not the sulfuric smelling President Obama or Hillary Clinton.