A Truck Full Of Eels Overturned On The Highway And Slimed The Shit Out Of Everybody



This right here is exactly why shit that is found at the bottom of the ocean needs to stay at the bottom of the ocean. You wanna catch some flounder or mahi because they’re delicious? Fine. But you come across a squad of hagfish? These slimy ass sons of bitches?

Well what in the gosh darn friggin heck are we doing driving around a truck full of them? Why on earth would we take these suckers out of the ocean? And not only just one or two of them for fun. But


An entire truck full. Doesn’t get more selfish than that. Because these Johnny Jerkoffs are driving around a truck full of hagfish for god knows why, they flip that shit over and now everybody who was on the road is covered in eel jizz. Always because these freaks couldn’t just let the deep ocean stay in the deep ocean.
