Chris Christie Got Called A Fatass By A Caller While Filling In For Mike Francesa And Christie Fired Back By Saying The Caller Was A Communist And A Bum

Mike from Montclair just became Mike from the motherfucking clouds with that call. I know Chris Christie has this dream of taking over for Mike Francesa once his time as governor is up, but I think that call was just an appetizer (fat guy talk for preview) of what would happen if Christie ever became the Fupa to the Fan. It’s one thing when Mike handwaves a call or two because they criticize him for sleeping on the air or not knowing what the fuck he is talking about. Mike has the resumes, longevity, paychecks, ratings, and the Mink Man to shut people up. But it’s quite another when the ex-governor of a state is hosting a radio show that broadcasts to a place where he is legit DESPISED by like 80% of the people living in it.

Don’t get me wrong though, I’m all for Christie hosting on the FAN. There is no living soul on the planet that will be able to replace Mike and all the weird, unique, quirky shit that we’ve become accustomed to over the years. So I’ll definitely take Christie on the FAN as almost a heel of sorts after he went full supervillain with Bridgegate and Beachgate. Anyone that calls somebody else a communist and a bum when he is just filling in can spit game on my airwaves any day of the year. Both are A++++ insults in my book if you have to keep it PG like drivetime radio hosts do. I get called a fatass all the time from anonymous commenters, yet I like to think of myself as a pretty decent guy that would never be confused with a bully. I can’t imagine what the anonymous callers will do to a guy that had the lowest approval rating ever for a governor (Source: Last week’s Rundown) and how he will clap back. Plus the yearly collapse of the Cowboys will make those Monday shows must listens. Gimme all the Chris Christie on FAN stock.