Alex Ovechkin. Number One Wedding Dancer

I’m not big on starting rumors just for the sake of starting rumors. But look at how much fun Ovi is having back in the Motherland. Tarp off for the boys. Probably just finished up a 30 rack of whatever the Russian version of Miller Lite is. Kept the dancing shoes on and is having himself a night up there on stage. You think he loves playing in Washington more than he loves being back home and ripping up the dance floor like this?

Think again, comrade.

Again, I don’t want to say that just because Ovi was going TOFTB at a wedding last night in Russia means that he’s 100% going to the KHL next season. But what I am saying is that I wouldn’t completely dismiss the possibility at this point.

P.S. – I hate the Capitals more than any team in the world. Which is weird considering Flyers fans usually have the Penguins and Rangers ranked higher on their hate list than the Caps. But as much as I loathe that rat bastard organization, I love Alexander Ovechkin as a human being. Hate the hockey player, love the guy. Just look at him go. You watch that video without anybody telling you is Ovi and you wouldn’t be able to tell if that was a 500-goal scorer or a blogger. Can’t bring myself to hate a guy like that.
