This Mural Of Tiger Woods' Mug Shot Is Fire Flames

HEAT HEAT HEAT. What beautiful piece of art that is. I want that on the wall of my apartment. Tiger Woods might not be happy about that but he should be and I’ll tell you why. You know the old Reggie Jackson quote, “Fans don’t boo nobodies”? Well they sure as shit don’t make GIANT murals of nobodies either. That’s not a thing. You never ever see a mural and ask yourself, “Who the fuck is that?” You always know exactly who it is. You gotta be somebody for someone to buy a bunch of paint and then spend hours upon hours upon hours painting your face on the side of a building. So Tiger can take solace in that fact. I mean, would Tiger likely prefer his celebration after making a putt be replicated in mural form? Of course. But when you’re a legend like Tiger sometime you can’t control the type mural you get. Again, they don’t make murals of nobodies.