Kim Jong Un's Bitch Ass Lives In Constant Fear Of Osama Bin Laden-Like Assassination


Fox NewsNorth Korean dictator Kim Jong Un is reportedly so terrified of being targeted for assassination that he travels incognito inside the Hermit Kingdom, and there’s growing evidence his paranoia may be well-founded.

The 33-year-old, third-generation ruler is “extremely nervous” about a clandestine plot to take him out, according to a key South Korean lawmaker who spoke to The Korea Herald. Rep. Lee Cheol-woo, chairman of the South Korean parliament’s intelligence committee, made the claim based on reports from South Korea’s intelligence agency.

“Kim is engrossed with collecting information about the ‘decapitation operation’ through his intelligence agencies,” Lee said following a briefing last week.

The rumored “decapitation plan” to target Kim and key deputies in the event fighting broke out on the peninsula first surfaced in late 2015, when the U.S. and South Korea signed “Operation Plan 5015,” a joint strategy for possible war scenarios with North Korea. According to the Brookings Institute, the plan “envisions limited warfare with an emphasis on preemptive strikes on strategic targets in North Korea and “decapitation raids” to exterminate North Korean leaders.”


Yeah that’s right bitch. We coming for that ass. Be afraid.. be very afraid. If we can take out Osama in Pakistan we can take out your little bitch ass in Pyongyang. It’s just a matter of time buddy. I want KJU constantly looking over his shoulder while gargling down chicken nuggets. I want him living in windowless rooms. I want him getting his stupid ass haircuts with plastic clippers. Fear, fear, fear. Paranoia on a million.

Sadly, I think his paranoia is ill-placed. I think we got no plans of assassinating him. Not because we like him — we hate the little bastard. I don’t think we’re planning to take him out because their brand of isolationism doesn’t and won’t end with Kim Jong. If you take him out, the next one in line simply steps right up and steps up armed with nuclear warheads.

Yes, it’s quite possible and likely they can’t launch those nukes past their dicks, but that’s not worth the risk. You assassinate Kim Jong, you’re risking South Korea or Japan or god knows who else ending up on the receiving end of a nuke.

If you leave him alone, he probably just chirps from 6,000 miles away before eventually drowning in his own filth. Fortunately he doesn’t seem to know this. He thinks he’s in the crosshairs. There’s always a chance he’s right, but let’s not pretend North Korea’s intelligence network is the world’s finest.



PS — I wrote this blog before this news broke:

Forget assassination — maybe we just invade?