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Christian Hackenberg's Inaccuracy is Becoming the Biggest Joke in Football


YahooBeing on the sideline of an NFL practice carries certain risks. Keep your head on a swivel.

However, you don’t expect to get pelted with errant passes from professional quarterbacks. That danger seems to be exclusive to New York Jets camp when Christian Hackenberg is taking reps.

Hackenberg was a surprising second-round pick by the Jets last season. The pick was a surprise because Hackenberg has accuracy issues, and that usually doesn’t translate well to the NFL. In practices this offseason, he has had a habit of hitting reporters on the sideline with poor passes. Connor Hughes of wrote noted Hackenberg’s lack of accuracy earlier this month, saying in “the three media-open OTAs, Hackenberg hit reporters with passes twice.” …

Hackenberg could end up as the Jets’ starting quarterback this season.

I’ve never hidden the fact that watching the Jets be terrible is one of the simple joys of my life. I don’t exactly know why. I don’t really hate them; that’s just not a word I can use to describe my feelings. There’s just an artistry to how bad they are. A subtle beauty to their failure I can’t quite describe. Asking me why I love their futility is like asking another guy why he loves looking at sunsets or watching an eagle fly. Somethings in this life just have a simple majesty to them. And the Jets are one. Where as bad as things get, the possibility is ever-present for another Buttfumble or a defensive end breaking the starting QBs jaw over 600 bucks.

And yet even by Jets standards, this year is shaping up to be something extra special. They wait until June to cut David Harris, the durable, professional, dependable, play-calling linebacker, so their longest tenured player now is the long snapper. They release their best receiver in Eric Decker, leaving them with the worst WR corps in football. And now the quarterback they took 51st overall last year can’t put the ball into a toilet from pissing distance. Hackenberg is the biggest running joke in football, is so bad reporters are putting their lives at risk just being on the sidelines:

And as a result he’ll probably start for them. Because this time, the Jets aren’t content to be just Jets-level bad. They’re no longer even trying to polish the turd like they usually do. They’ve weaponized sucking. They’re determined to be 24K gold plated atrocious, like the Cleveland Indians in the first act of Major League. because tehy want Sam Darnold to be their next savior. So they’re raising awfulness to an art form. And it’s going to be fascinating to watch, even more so than usual. Which is saying something.