Hero Woman Takes NASA T-shirts From The Boys Section At Target And Puts Them In The Girls Section

Wow. Brave. Powerful. Amazing. We’ve got Wonder Woman crushing it at the box office and NASA in the girls section at Target, such a beautiful world we live in.

But wait….

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Oops! Turns out that there actually isn’t a Target scheme to keep little girls from finding out about outer space and they were just sold out of the t-shirts in the store. It seems as though Katie Hindle, our feminist hero, just kinda wasted her time and was kind of a dick to make a minimum wage Target employee have to rearrange a bunch of shelves. I guess you could say that Katie found a problem where there wasn’t one then acted illogically and flighty and unpredictably and emotionally and it was all for nothing, really. It was a dramatic scene to solve an issue that never existed in the first place. Can’t believe a woman acted like that. Never seen it before and I’m sure we’ll never see it again.