Tom Hardy Wrote An Emotional Letter To His Dog Woody Who Passed Away

Woody affected so many people in his own right so with great respect to his autonomy and as a familiar friendly face to many of you, it is with great great sadness a heavy heart that I inform you that after a very hard and short 6 month battle with an aggressive polymyostisis Woody passed away, two days ago. He was only Age 6. He was Far too young to leave us and We at home are devastated by his loss I am ultimately grateful for his loyal companionship and love and it is of some great comfort that he is no longer suffering. Above all I am completely gutted. the world for me was a better place with him in it and by my side. To the bestest friend ever.

Read the whole letter here 

Mannnnnnnnnnnn. God damn it. Just a casual heart wrenching story on a Monday afternoon courtesy of the great Tom Hardy. This got sent to me and I literally said “Well here we go” to emotionally prepare myself for what I know was gonna reduce me to a puddle. And it did. I was really hoping this dog was gonna be 18 or something. I wanted it to be an age where you go, “Alright that really sucks but at least he lived a full life.” Nope. 6 years old. 6! Woody was 6. That killed me. That dog had a whole other half of his life to live. And then some. Pretty cool story about how Tom Hardy found Woody. Hardy taking Woody to movie premieres was my favorite. Tom Hardy could take any smoke he wanted. Have you met women? They all love Tom Hardy. Even lots of men love Tom hardy in that way. he could’ve had his pick. Nope. He picked Woody.