Kickboxer Lands Controversial KO So Fans Rush The Ring And Beat The Shit Out Of Him


I pretty much can’t condone anything in this video. Likeeeeeeee, none of it…

Fighter A: Don’t turn your back on your opponent

Fighter B: Don’t take a cheap shot on your opponent

Referee: Don’t let that happen

Fans: Don’t storm the ring and commit assault

Fighter B: Don’t get knocked out by fans

Fighter B’s Team: Don’t let fans get to your fighter

All of those mistakes make for a fucking crazy clip though. What goes through your mind if you’re that fan? You’d think it was some drunk idiot, but he was super coordinated in getting into the ring (harder than it looks) and obviously landed the jumping hook dead flush on the jaw, so it makes me think he’s had a day or two of training. Maybe he knows fighter B? They’re buddies and he felt like his buddy just got cheapshotted so bar instincts kicked in? Maybe he was trying to make a name for himself as a fighter WWE style? I feel like MMA would get a hell of a lot more interesting if run ins started happening, music and all. Glass shatters, someone comes down the the octagon with a steel chair, and we see a DQ finish that sets up the next main event. Let’s do that shit.