Chris Harrison Says They Had No Idea About Lee's Controversial Tweets Before Casting Him

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Listen. I love Chris Harrison. I’d kill for Chris Harrison. I’d die for Chris Harrison. He’s one of my favorite people in the world. He’s mysterious and hilarious and I love him. But it is blatantly obvious that he’s lying here. There is less than a zero percent chance Chris Harrison and ABC didn’t know about Lee’s controversial tweets when they picked him to be on the show. ABC looks deeeeeeeeeep into the people they cast for the show. They screen the fuck outta them. They ask them about everything because they wanna milk every possible storyline. So now Harrison is saying that ABC didn’t look at Lee’s tweets from JANUARY? Get the fuck outta here. I honestly don’t care that they casted Lee and I can even see why ABC did it. They did it cause they wanted to hopefully stir up controversy on the show and create storylines. That’s what a show like The Bachelorette lives off of. It’s why we watch. They need conflict and drama. And I can even see why Chris Harrison would deny that they knew anything about the tweets. What is he gonna say? The truth? That’d be nice but it wouldn’t be good for business. I just want Chris Harrison and ABC to know that I know that they knew about Lee’s tweet when they casted him for the show. That’s all.