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Gay Vulture Dads Hatch A Chick In Amsterdam Zoo

Screen Shot 2017-06-01 at 10.41.53 AM

Source - Two male griffon vultures in a long-standing relationship have successfully hatched an abandoned egg at an Amsterdam zoo. Artis zoo said in a statement Wednesday that keepers who found an egg found on the floor of the vulture aviary initially put it in an incubator but later placed in a nest that the two male birds built together in the enclosure. The zoo said the vultures, which have been a couple for years, took turns sitting on the egg until it hatched. Now, the new dads are taking care of the chick by feeding it regurgitated food. The zoo says it is not unusual for animals, particularly birds, to form same-sex couples, but it is the first time such a pair has hatched an egg at the Dutch capital’s zoo.

When I think “gay animals” I think dolphins, snakes, poodles etc. Not griffons, which goes to show how naïve I am. We come in all shapes and species.

And that little baby griffon is the luckiest bird in the whole damn zoo. Why? Because these kweens have been in a long-standing, stable relationship. In other words they’re e$tablished. Sure, they may have to give up trips to Mykonos and their summer nest in Provincetown but those are young gay bird destinations anyways. They’ve been waiting for something good to spend that D.I.N.K. (double income no kids) money on and I’m honestly jealous it’s not me.

“keepers who found an egg found on the floor of the vulture aviary initially put it in an incubator but later placed in a nest that the two male birds built together in the enclosure..” 

On top of it all this kids going to grow up in a custom nest. Not some cookie cutter “enclosure” that the straight birds settled for. An elegant, well thought out home, probably with a heated stick floor and a bidet. Good on the zoo keeper for giving this egg to Brad and Steve (I made those names up). That baby griffon owes him a big thank you.  Yes- he could possibly grow up damaged due to lack of female griffon influence in his life but something tells me he’s going to be alright.

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