John Daly's Advice To Tiger Woods: "Get Back On The Golf Course"

Love it. Sage advice from a guy who has been through hell and back like 15 times. Seriously. There’s no professional golfer on planet earth who can give better advice to Tiger Woods right now than John Daly. This stuff will pass. This too will pass, as they say. Get back on the golf course and be the Tiger Woods we all want him to be. The last part of his answer is why everyone loves John Daly and why he has me of the most loyal fans in the world. Tiger’s DUI proves that he’s human and it makes him more relatable. Everybody makes mistakes and that includes the once-invincible Eldrick Tiger Woods. Obviously that’s not how Tiger is looking at it right now. He’s probably depressed as shit and feeling terrible about what’s just happened.  But that’s the way he should look at it in the long run. John Daly is like the Buddha of troubled golfers and I love it.