Girl Gets Into Yale By Writing Her Essay About "Something You Love To Do" On...Ordering Papa John's Pizza

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Daily MailA Tennessee teenager’s love for pizza earned her an acceptance letter from Yale University after she wrote about ordering from Papa John’s in her application essay.

Carolina Williams, who was accepted to the Ivy League school in March, won praise from admissions officers for her standout essay answer.

When she was asked to write about something she loves to do, Carolina took a risk and opted for the first thing she could think of – ordering pizza from Papa John’s.

It paid off for the Ravenwood High School graduate.

‘Accepting those warm cardboard boxes at my front door is second nature to me, but I will always love ordering pizza because of the way eight slices of something so ordinary are able to evoke feelings of independence, consolation and joy,’ she wrote.

A Yale admissions officer wrote to her following her acceptance, saying: ‘As a fellow lover of pizza, I laughed out loud (then ordered pizza) after reading your application.’

She will be the first in her family to go to college.

First things first. Nobody has ever, EVER been dunked on harder than Yale got dunked on by Papa John’s chick.

Despite her successful application, Carolina has decided not to attend Yale.

She will study business at Auburn University.

Dipping down from their ivory tower pedestal of standards to let a girl in who wrote an essay about freaking Papa Johns pizza and she laughs, uses it to go viral, and picks Auburn instead.  Auburn!  Now to be clear I personally think it’s an awesome choice and she’ll have 1,000% more fun in college now, after 8 years of watching videos from Auburn and similar big football schools  I could not be more jealous of people who went places like that.   But you can’t tell me someone working in the fucking Yale administration is going to share that view.  Some hoity toity elitist asshole getting so publicly cucked by a state school.  In the South no less!

The amount of manicured fists pounding heavy mahogany desks in New Haven is probably shaking the grounds of the campus as we speak.   PR nightmare.  Image nightmare.  Ivy League street cred nightmare.  Harvard laughing their way to the bank.

One more shout out to Carolina too.  First one in her family to go to college and she gets an acceptance letter to Yale.  I’d take an SEC football school and probably a whole bunch of free garlic dipping sauce too.

That shit is Screen Shot 2017-06-02 at 8.37.05 AM