What's It Like To Kill A Hooker? We Asked House of Cards' Doug Stamper

House of Cards might be the best show on TV. It is damn near impossible for me to get locked into a series these days, but House of Cards gets a vice grip on the genitals and doesn’t let go. Doug Stamper is one of the most interesting, brooding characters on the show. Michael Kelly proved to be an engaging, smiley dude, which is pretty different than his hooker-slaying character on the show.

But he was the man.

We get pretty deep into the show, so if you’re a binger, the interview is a must.

And, more importantly I got to get back at Caleb for cutting me out of our picture:

By cutting him out of his own picture:

Hey Caleb, use more of a filter bro.

It’s been a big week for Young and Happy, from meme legend Tank Sinatra:

To Tex and YP’s salacious strip club tale, followed by Tex’s earth shattering freestyle:

Followed by Hannibal:

And then Doug Stamper. Young and Happy is churning along strong, come ride the wave.