Special Ed Teacher Claims She Was Sexually Harassed By Student, Gets Fired

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NY Post- A Michigan teacher claims she was fired after school administrators ignored her reports that she was being sexually harassed by special education students — including one teen whose lewd behavior “creeped [her] out.”

The teacher alleges that in her first weeks at the school, a 16-year-old male student unbuttoned his shirt and began rubbing his nipple in front of her. She sent the boy to the office, but his behavior was “essentially disregarded,” according to her lawsuit.

Months later, in January 2014, the same student waited for Sawicki after class and “cupped his hand under his chest as if he were holding breasts, and said, ‘I want to talk to you about your melons,’ while he stared at Ms. Sawicki’s chest,” the lawsuit continues.

The student was ultimately given a one-day suspension — a punishment Sawicki said didn’t suffice, because the teen had “creeped [her] out.”

Cox eventually told Sawicki in 2015 she was being fired, saying she had not “made enough progress,” according to her lawsuit.

Hey Melissa Sawicki, you’re a special ed teacher. Don’t be mad at the bull for giving you the horns. That’s not a knock on special ed kids either. If some kid unbuttons his shirt and starts rubbing his nipple, use your training and deal with that in-house. Don’t go snitching to the principal; put out your own fires. No wonder she was canned.

But when the nipple kid said “I want to talk to you about your melons,” I spit out my iced half-caf macadamia milk latte and I wasn’t even drinking it anymore (I finish them immediately. So delicious!) This boy deserves a microphone and an HBO special today. You know he has a lot to say about your breasts. Spent the entire night making a powerpoint about nipple-to-areola ratio. Listen to Obi Wan Kenboobie, Melissa; you might find a husband.

This story made me so angry that I googled “Melissa Sawicki Michigan.” This image came up:

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I’m about 10% sure this is our teacher. Now that we’ve found her, I would also like to talk to her about her melons. Do the melons grow as she increases her bench max? What does she feed them? Do they like direct or partial sunlight? Does she eat melon? Or does she strictly eat the meat of grizzly cubs, which she hunts with her bear hands when she’s not ratting out special needs kids/deadlifting 405 x 12.

PS- Never been a big melon guy. So boring. You can tell the quality of a hotel by how many different fruits they have in the continental breakfast fruit salad. Melon-heavy fruit salads = shitty hotel.