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Chris Soules' 911 Call After The Deadly Crash Is A TOUGH Listen

People- Chris Soules called police before allegedly leaving the scene of a fatal car crash Monday night, newly released audio reveals. The recording obtained by PEOPLE was apparently lodged to local police before 911 first responders were called in. Soules is breathing heavily, apparently emotional and seemingly on the edge of tears as he tells the dispatcher what happened in the collision between his truck and the tractor of fellow Iowan Kenneth E. Mosher that would ultimately take Mosher’s life. “There’s no address,” Soules, 35, tells the operator at the start of the recording. He reveals the tractor has plunged into ditch and Mosher was thrown into the ditch. At the time of the call, Soules reveals Mosher, 66, was not conscious and didn’t appear to be breathing. On the call, which was first released by TMZ, Soules asks another, unidentified person at the scene to perform CPR on Mosher since he doesn’t know how, and they check Mosher’s pulse before hanging up on the operator and saying they’ll call back.

Damn. TOUGH listen. So there’s clearly a lot more to the story than first reported. When it first came out it sounded like Soules didn’t even stop and check on the guy after the crash. It sounded like he plowed into the back of a guy and took off without even checking. Clearly not the case anymore. Soules sound exactly how you think a guy is gonna sound who just fucked everything up. Breathing loudly and almost crying the whole time. He sounded like he wanted to help the guy but couldn’t. What’s still unclear is when and why he took off from the scene. Cause he definitely did that at some point after hanging up with the 911 operator. At the end of the day, what’s done is done. An innocent guy is dead and Chris Soules’ life is forever changed. If it turns out that he was drunk when this happened (which anyone with a brain would suspect given how he bolted from the scene) this is gonna get a whole lot worse for Soules. Just shitty for everyone involved.