What Happens When You Don't Tap In An Armbar (NSFL)

NY Post- Jiu-jitsu fighter Dimitri Salem’s arm snapped at the ADCC West Coast trials from a kimura armlock after he refused to tap out.

Grappling star Ethan Crelinsten had Salem trapped in his second match of the tournament, and was expecting Salem to submit. But, instead of tapping the mat to admit defeat and break the hold, Salem refused to quit and instead suffered the sickening snap.

These jiu-jitsu guys are absolute savages. It’s like a chess match until you force your opponent into a situation where they have to surrender. If they don’t, you break their arm/knee/choke them until they’re unconscious. Those are the possible outcomes. This is why I try to avoid bar fights whenever possible. With the growth in popularity of MMA, you never know if the guy you’re squaring off with is just a meathead, or if he’s casually working his way toward a blackbelt in jiu jitsu during his lunch break.

Here’s what another JJ guy said about it:

“It was up to his opponent to tap, he had pleeeeenty of time, his exit was blocked by Ethan’s leg; he had no possible way out, flexibility is not a defense. What was he supposed to do, let go of a submission because an opponent would not tap? Not at this level of competition.”

Don’t be a hero. Flexibility is not a defense. People should know when they are conquered.