Pamela Anderson Is Dating Julian Assange? What The Heck?

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(Source) - Actress Pamela Anderson and super shady WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange are A Thing. If this paring is news to you, rest assured this is no prank, but a mystery the universe has been unraveling before our eyes for some time now.  And now, the ’90s bombshell has opened up about her love for Assange in sprawling blog post about Sweden, H&M, the book she’s writing, sexism, PETA and sensuality (“a sexy kindness”). She loves sensuality!

I am getting more involved with
Courage foundation
Who helps to defend whistleblowers …
Edward Snowden,
Chelsea Manning
and Julian Assange

-My relationship
with Julian

-It’s no secret,

He is one of my favorite people-
He might be the most famous, most politicized refugee
of our time.
Famous for being persecuted.
Famous for being persecuted is not a position of power but a position of vulnerability.


Anderson goes on to implore Sweden to resist the United States’ arrest warrant for Assange, insisting that it makes perfect sense considering how many women in Sweden are vegan — seriously, this is the logic she puts forth.

I’m not sure why I said “what the heck?” there, as if it’s supposed to be surprising? Of course Pam Anderson and Julian Assange are an item, this is perfect Pamcakes. Pamela Anderson has date the bad boy of every generation so why shouldn’t that extend to the tech world? Tommy Lee, Kid Rock, Kelly Slater, Fred Durst, David Spade… Pam Anderson’s bed posts are littered the the marks of American bad boy, and there are PacSun sale rack clothes strewn about her room. This is who she is, and fucking anti-establishment guys is what she does. I’m actually shocked that I was originally shocked by this.

It is rather surprising that Assange would agree to this relationship, though, is it not? He may be a weird asshole, but there’s no denying that the guy is smart. What the hell do him and Pam sit around and discuss while they build their own furniture and eat meatballs? Him finding a cure for Hep C? Everyone else she’s ever fucked has a better change of bashing themselves in the head with a computer and learning through osmosis than actually comprehending something they read, but Assange is smart. I’m not smart and I’m still too smart to date Pam Anderson, so this one baffles me a bit. I guess it’s just an old school fantasy thing? Watched some Baywatch re-runs out in Sweden and needed some “CJ Parker except CJ just stepped on a dirty needle running on the beach” in his life. To each his psychotic own, I guess.