Anthony Weiner's Wife Is Taking Him Back


NY Post – Fool me once, shame on you. Fool Huma Abedin four times, and she’ll still take you back. After years of public humiliation by her sext-a-holic husband, Anthony Weiner, 40-year-old Abedin finally separated from the former congressman in August, one day after The Post reported that he had sent yet another explicit photo to a woman — this one showing his toddler son asleep beside him. But sources tell The Post that Hillary Clinton’s righthand woman is now giving the marriage another try. “Huma has been working hard on her relationship with Anthony,” said a source close to the Abedin family. “He has been spending 80 to 90 percent of his time at the [Irving Place apartment] they share .?.?. If there is a disagreement, he goes to his mother’s apartment in Brooklyn. It’s hard to believe a reconciliation is under consideration given how many times Weiner has betrayed his wife. In May 2011, he accidentally tweeted out a photo of his erect penis in boxer briefs that he apparently meant to send privately to a college student. Asked about the tweet, he initially denied sending it. Two weeks later, Weiner resigned from Congress as more women with more photos emerged. While Weiner was running for mayor in 2013, additional sexts and photos came out, posted under the alias “Carlos Danger.” Refusing to withdraw from the race, he came in fifth place with a mere 4.9 percent of the vote. As his wife led Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign, even more sexts were uncovered. Last September, the Daily Mail alleged that Weiner had sent ­X-rated messages to a 15-year-old girl. The next month, Abedin was sucked into the FBI’s investigation into Clinton’s e-mails after her then-estranged husband’s laptop was seized.

Carlos. Fucking Danger. The man is like a cat. Like a perverted, dick sexting cat. 9 lives. Not only did Anthony Weiner send his dick to like a billion chicks…not only did he sext a girl a picture of his dick basically on top of his child’s head…not only did he sext a FIFTEEN YEAR OLD…not only was he basically responsible for the downfall of Hillary Clinton and the email scandal because his laptop – filled with dick pics – was seized by the government…

but he also took this picture hailing a cab in crutches and crocs:

That is the most pathetic photograph ever taken.

Somehow, after ALL that, Huma Weiner is still taking him back. That is nothing short of REMARKABLE. Either Charlie Danger really has that good good, or women really are just that irrational. I mean this is such a spectacularly bad look for the entire female gender, I cant even wrap my head around why Huma – a woman in politics who prided herself of female empowerment and what not all throughout the Clinton campaign – would take King Ostrich back. Ladies, this is a MAJOR L for your whole population. The type of shit where dudes just laugh and high five each other and say “Man, chicks really are dumb. We can do whatever we want and ultimately they’re so afraid of being single they’ll just let it happen!” Charlie Danger sneaking back into Huma’s bed. An all time snake job. Next level weasel shit there.