How About Hypocritical Riggs Bragging About Going "40 Days/40 Nights Sober" But Still Drank His Nuts Off Over The Weekend?

Link to Drive Time on iTunes here

(Discussion of Harvard falling off the wagon starts at 24:00)

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Fake News! SAD!

Look, I’m not upset with Riggsy drinking again. I’ve been enabling him to be launched from the wagon since day 1. You see that look of determination, gut, and will in these eyes while attempting to get Riggs to take his first shot back to reality?

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Eye of the goddamn tiger. If I put 1/10000000th of that determination into anything in my personal life and I’d be king. Literally. They would establish a monarchy and my seed would rule for thousands of years. But alas, my gifts are solely dedicated to get my friends to drink again so I have someone to randomly drunk game over rock, paper, scissors at the bar. I’m not exactly happy with my life decisions, either.

But I’m simply disappointed in our boy’s blatant hypocrisy. There’s NO way he can claim 40 Days/40 Nights sobriety after that relapse. People need to be holding his googgles to the fire here and call him out. Also, arguably the biggest violation (other than commending the troops as an excuse for his alcoholism) is him using the term “Snow Day” for personal alcoholic adventures when it wasn’t a snow day, and then claim not to be drinking during an actual snow day tomorrow. Unacceptable. You can’t trust anyone who doesn’t have a drink in their hand by noon in a blizzard. Can’t. Won’t. So we’ll find out tomorrow. And you’re goddamn right I’m going to be missing Philly. #Blizzard2016 on the Art Museum steps was one of the most fun days in recent, no, all of history. Looks like we’re going to need to find other ways mend American/Russian relations this time tomorrow in NYC.