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If You Do A News Report On Friday Night In New York, You May Get Into A Fight With A Guy Wearing A Jason Mask That Crashes Your Live Broadcast

DNA Info-
A hockey-mask-wearing rapper who shoved a reporter to the ground during a live televised broadcast Saturday denies that he was trying to assault anyone, saying the whole thing was a big misunderstanding. Keyjonta Foster, 23, was wearing a hockey mask straight out of “Friday the 13th” when he approached ABC 7’s CeFaan Kim and put his arm around the reporter’s neck before pointing at the camera and announcing his stage name — Majesty Da Rebel, footage shows. The camera pans away from the action, then returns to the two scuffling on the sidewalk before Foster shoves Kim to the ground. “I didn’t attack you,” Foster is seen shouting at Kim after the incident. “You attacked me!” Kim took to social media accounts after the incident to say the rapper had attacked him and that a police report had been filed. Police confirmed Kim plans to press charges and said they will charge Foster with assault for striking Kim and causing him to fall to the ground.

But Foster maintained his innocence when reached by phone Monday, claiming he had jumped on camera to promote his musical career and that the stunt had turned unexpectedly violent when Kim retaliated. “When the camera was looking up was when he grabbed me,” said Foster, adding that he believes Kim was intimidated by the Jason mask he was wearing. “I just shifted everything and pushed him off of me. I was like ‘You’re doing too much.’ I think he overreacted.” Foster told the New York Post over the weekend he knew the stunt would garner negative publicity, which he believed he could “flip” to promote his music. He has advertised the incident on his social media platforms, saying his live television appearance was an “opportunity” he couldn’t pass up.

Let me first say that I understand where Keyjonta Foster is coming from. If I wasn’t in the blog game. I’d probably have a key knee-deep in the rap game. Okay probably not. But still, I realize you gotta do whatever it takes to promote your album to separate you from the millons of people that are trying to get that Roc-A-Fella iTunes money. If that means acting like a maniac to an unsuspecting reporter, so be it.

That being said, if you go up to anyone with a Jason mask at night, you better be ready to put your motherfucking dukes up. The Jason mask is one of the few things on Earth that triggers the fight or flight response immediately. And I bet Keyjonta saw CeFaan’s frail ass as someone that goes into full flight mode the minute a Jason Mask comes out. I did NOT see him trying to land haymakers, even though the real CeFaan came out with his post-fight snitch tweet. I don’t care if you want to promote your rap album by blindsiding someone on live TV or you are a street hockey goalie that forgot to take his mask off. The Jason mask is a fear trigger 100 times out of 100. That’s why Jason is always wielding a knife and Casey Jones carries a hockey stick.

And the biggest tragedy of all this is that Majesty Da Rebel is not going to move any units or accumulate any more street cred after getting roughed up and charged with a crime by a reporter named Ceefan Kim. Absolutely brutal look for Da Rebel.

P.S. Shout out to my dude in the red hat and headphones that helped break up this skirmish while also keeping his lit cigarette in hand. He’s the hero Gotham deserves, but not the one it needs right now.
