A Driver Had A Hilariously Psychotic Reaction To A Cyclist, Circling Him With A Car And Shouting 'Get Out' Like A Crazy Person

Apparently this video took place in California which surprises me since no one strikes me as being more about hippie dippy shit like cycling than they are. And while normally I’ve been pretty anti-cyclist with how they think they run the road and wear their little aerodynamic shirts and all that, it’s hard not to be #TeamCyclist here. This driver dude was swerving right near the cyclist, at best trying to intimidate him and at worst trying to run him or his bike over. That’s an insane amount of real estate in the head, like midnight drunk tweets deleted the next day amounts of real estate in the head.

But more than that I always find it interesting to see someone go completely fucking nuts and not be able to control it. It’s hard to make some quality physical stereotyping given the video quality but from what I can tell this seems like a totally normal dad in an SUV, driving home from work or from the Home Depot, totally average California shit. And instead whatever this cyclist dude did broke his brain so bad that he had to deviate from his route, chase him down, try to frighten the shit out of the dude at any cost just to even things out in his head. And he went fully deranged in the process, those guttural shouts of a man who met his breaking point and has zero clue how to dig back out. There just aren’t many times in life you see a dude’s brain break so bad that you can practically see the springs fly out of his head, cherish them when you can.