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Latest Protests Have Produced Some FIRE Chants (and some shitty ones)

Look, protesting is American as fuck and in principle it’s great and should be practiced and celebrated, we just hate the folks that abuse it. That overdue it and water down its effect. That have turned calling attention to important injustices into crying wolf. I’m not saying that’s what’s going on here I’m just saying that’s what’s been going on a lot and the main reason we frequently shit on protesters.

BUT, with widespread protest comes chanting. And we love chanting. Saturday’s outrage over Trump’s immigration ban has been no exception. Folks chanting up a storm; let’s check ‘em out.

The Chants

Casey’s right, absolute FIRE: A+

Didn’t love it at first but after a couple listens it’s catchy. Has a nice ring to it, plus we’re two for two on effective f-bombs: A-

Don’t love “let them in” but the guy with the giant trumpet thing is easily protester of the day. Worth at least a full letter grade maybe two. Laugh out loud funny: B+

Maybe the worst one. Just terrible. Mix in some passion, act like you care: F

Unoriginal but loud: C+

Ah the famous Rone chant. Stupid but a classic: B-

And one bonus chant…

A good old U-S-A chant! (after a Muslim woman was let in after being detained aka not let in). Never fails: A