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That Little Kid Setting Fires And Yelling "Screw Our President" During The Trump Protests? Turns Out It Was Drew Carey's Son.

VultureDuring last week’s inauguration protests, a young, anonymous redhead rose to viral fame after starting a small fire. “I actually kinda started this fire,” the then-unknown kid — all we knew was his name was Connor — told Fox News. “Because I felt like it, and I’m just saying … screw our president!”

But Connor’s viral stardom may have been less accidental than genetically preordained. Turns out Connor is none other than Drew Carey’s 11-year-old son, TMZ reports. Carey and Connor’s mother, Nicole Jaracz, were reportedly quite upset with Connor’s interview. A source also told TMZ the boy “regretted his choice of words” after speaking with his parents.

Remember Carter the 10 Year Old Alpha Male Trump Protestor?

Well, two things.

One, turns out his name is Connor. Not Carter. Now that I listen to it with Connor in my head I can hear Connor but I (and the internet) was definitely 100% sure his name was Carter the first time around. Pronounce your name better idiot. Oh and he’s 11 not 10.

Two, turns out it’s Drew Carey’s son.

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So when I said “Imagine being so good at parenting that you bring your kid out onto the street in the middle of a school night and let him set fires and destroy property? Hope I can be half as good a dad someday,” turns out I was talking about Drew Carey. Go figure. I shouldn’t be too hard on him though, he did have a talk with him “about his language.” Nothing about the destroying public property and setting things on fire I guess, but definitely a stern rebuke about saying “screw.”

What a turn of events. If I’ve said it once, I’ve said it a thousand times, you never know what the internet is going to bring on a day to day basis.

TFW the whole world knows your kid is an arsonist but at least he went viral:

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