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I Respect Nate Robinson For Reminding LeBron That He Is A Free Agent On Instagram



Look, shooters shoot and playmakers make plays. And Nate Robinson is trying to fill both of those roles with a couple of Instagram posts. LeBron complaining about not having playmakers is like hearing Amanda Beckett is single in Can’t Hardly Wait. Everyone that is available is going to throw themselves at her, and everyone that is unhappy with the person they are with is going to try to find a way to wiggle free and be her knight in shining armor. Which is why I have no problem with Nate Robinson trying to do this. LeBron has gotten rings for the following ex-Knicks: Eddy Curry, Ronny Turiaf, J.R. Smith, Iman Shumpert, Timofey Mozgov, and Channing Frye. Does that make me want to throw up? Of course. But why shouldn’t Nate try to jump on that gravy train like countless other basketball players? Dude had no shame trying that one dunk in the dunk contest a billion times before making it

Scroll to 9 minute mark if needed

And as Nate told us on Instagram today, it’s okay to be scared if you are doing something brave.

So why should he be embarrassed at one last potential money grab with a ring at the end? And maybe just maybe him and LeBron hit it off and he replaces James Jones as LeBron’s caddy? I mean Herb Williams stuck around for ever with Patrick Ewing and he didn’t even get a ring out of it. No shame in trying, Nate. Keep @’ing, DM’ing, and doing whatever else it takes to get LeBron’s attention. It still beats the hell out of getting chirped at by jacked Israeli dudes for free.