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Chris Brown Responds To Aziz Ansari's SNL Monologue, Calls Aziz "Aladdin"

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A couple things on this. One, Chris Brown is mad because what Aziz said is totally true. Bad move by Chris Brown addressing it and bringing attention to it. Anybody who listens to Chris Breezy’s music just pretends that he’s not a complete piece of shit. Anybody who voted for Trump conveniently decides to forget about the part where he admitted to grabbing chicks by their vaginas. Brown responding to Aziz and calling him Aladdin in the process will only bring more attention to that. Chris Brown basically proved Aziz correct by saying that. And secondly, since when is calling someone Aladdin considered a diss? I understand that Chris Brown was being flippantly racist but Aladdin was one handsome mother fucker so that’s not really a diss at all. Aladdin also got to sleep with Princess Jasmine AKA the smokiest smoke to ever be drawn on paper so it’s REALLY not a diss at all. I also don’t see Chris Brown owning a flying carpet. Game, set, match, Aladdin.

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