Trump Press Secretary Sean Spicer Had A Very Shitty, Embarrassing Weekend Fighting Over Crowd Sizes

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It really began early Friday morning. The photos from the inauguration comparing Obama’s crowd to Trump’s crowd went viral. Anti-Trumpers were pointing and laughing and saying nobody supports Trump. Nobody’s excited about his presidency. It’s a moot and ridiculous point because he won and crowd sizes have nothing to do with governing, but people know how to push Donnie’s buttons. Of course he cared and his team cared, so much so that White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer stormed out Saturday, his first full day on the job, lectured the media, took no questions, and stormed out.

The White House press secretary coming out and immediately attacking, in detail, tweets about crowd size is fucking ABSURD. The media immediately pointed out how Spicer’s “facts” were blatantly wrong.

Which they were. He was wrong. Storming out to lecture the media is one thing, if you’re right and if your reason for lecturing is warranted, but doing it about crowd size, and being wrong in it, is fucking ridiculous.

Former Bush press secretary Ari Fleischer agrees.

(but also took a shot at Barry)

And French Legionnaire Kellyanne Conway…


…now infamously said that Spicer didn’t lie, but rather gave “alternate facts.”

The first official press conference, with questions, is today at 1:30 PM. Spicer will undoubtedly receive tough questions on this debacle — will be interesting to see how he responds.

Important to note that Fleischer detailed how giving these statements is a direct order from the President.

We’re just three days into Trump’s White House and things are getting wild. At least 1,457 left…