Drake Paid Homage To President Obama In The Weirdest Way Possible Last Night

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So as everyone knows last night was President Obama’s farewell speech to the nation. It was a great speech cause that’s what Barack Obama does. The dude gives unreal speeches. I don’t care which way you lean, that dude can control a room with his voice and tone. As you would expect, celebrities from far an wide voiced their love for Obama and talked about how much they were going to miss him. Especially since our president-elect is currently busy defying himself against allegations of prostitute urination. So it was a pretty weird night in general. Then somehow Drake made it even weirder by posting THE WEIRDEST Instagram picture of all time. I’m still trying to wrap my brain about it. It’s basically a version of him and Obama’s faces smashed together? Remember when Conan used to do the If They Mated bit where he took too famous people and envisioned what their baby would look like? That’s what Drake did with him and Obama. By the way, Drake is Canadian. Barack is our president. We can wish him farewell. You can’t. I’m sorry. That’s how it works.