Congressman Rips Another Congressman's Painting Off The Wall Because It Depicts Cops As Pigs


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Little background here: Rep. William Lacy Clay is a Democratic Congressman from urban St. Louis. He says this painting won some competition and depicts the unrest in Ferguson. Rep. Duncan Hunter is a Republican Congressman from California. He says it’s fucked up this painting depicts cops as pigs so he ripped it off the wall and tossed it in Clay’s office this morning.

There had been a “conversation” between Clay and another Congressman from rural Washington over the painting earlier in the week. Sounds like Hunter had had enough so he took matters into his own hands. I’m all about free speech and the amendments and shit but you can’t have a “cops are pigs” painting in the Cannon Tunnel (underground connect to Capital Building). Just can’t do it. Eye stand with Duncan.

PS — Duncan Hunter same Congressman who vaped during Congressional hearing. Dude gets it.

h/t William