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Angry Gay Couple that Harassed Ivanka Trump's Family on a Plane Take the Coward's Way Out

TMZIvanka Trump just had a bumpy start to her Xmas holiday … an out-of-control passenger on her flight began verbally berating her and “jeering” at her 3 kids.

Ivanka was on a JetBlue flight leaving JFK Thursday morning with her family when a passenger started screaming, “Your father is ruining the country.” The guy went on, “Why is she on our flight? She should be flying private.” The guy had his kid in his arms as he went on the tirade.

A passenger on the flight tells TMZ Ivanka ignored the guy and tried distracting her kids with crayons.

JetBlue personnel escorted the unruly passenger off the flight. As he was removed he screamed, “You’re kicking me off for expressing my opinion?!!”

BTW … Ivanka, her family and bunch of cousins were all in coach.

There’s not a day that goes by without someone making every Trump supporter say “See? This is why I voted for him.”

I don’t care what your politics are or how severe your case of Trump Derangement Syndrome is. You cannot defend a dick move like harassing his daughter while she’s minding her own business taking care of her kids. You just can’t.

Putting aside the weird, reverse snobbery of hating on a billionairess for flying coach instead of taking a fossil fuel-burning, polar bear-killing private jet, you pull a stunt like this to what purpose? Is it supposed to make Ivanka say “Wow. You’ve really made me reconsider my positions on my dad’s policies and harsh rhetoric. I now reject him and will work to oppose all that he stands for. Thank you for lifting the veil from my eyes”?

No. This douchiness served one end. To give these two smug, grandstanding dildos the chance to show everyone how enlightened they are. I’m sure they’re going to be greeted as heroes at the next SJW cocktail party. But normal, rational people don’t let their politics eclipse their instinct to avoid verbally assaulting a mom doing coloring books with her children.

But hey, at least the happy couple were each man enough to stand their ground and defend their pro-harangue position when given the chance. Just kidding. They ran like weasels.

I want to give credit to JetBlue for booting these turds off the plane. But apparently they just put them on a different flight instead of having the FAA lead them away in handcuffs. Who knew that bullying a family with young kids on a plane for the crime of flying coach isn’t against regulations?