Raise Your Hand If You Partied With The Chief of Staff of the Army And Johnny Football on Saturday
Last Year After Army vs. Navy
Raised shit ton of cash Saturday
Met Chief of Staff of the Army General Mark A. Milley
Partied With Johnny Football
Just a casual Saturday for your boy. Army Navy Saturday. Raised tens of thousands of dollars for an army vet who lost his leg in combat. Guaranteed an Army victory. Watched Army win for the first time in 15 years. Met the Chief of Staff of the Army. Turns out General Milley reads Barstool. In fact I’m pretty sure if I understood him correctly he said he was one of the soliders in this article I post every Veterans and Memorial Day weekend. Then went out at night and partied with Johnny Football. Champagne cum all over my hand. Licked it up after no big deal. How was your Saturday?
Hey Gross Dave….Thanks again for laying the foundation. None of this would have been possible without you. #brickbybrick