Santa's Parachute Jump Into Quincy Did Not Go As Planned (Fuck It, I'm Going MUST WATCH)

Look, do I feel bad laughing at this? Yeah, I do.* I feel terrible. But, c’mon man, what the fuck do you want me to do here? If you don’t want me laughing at your misfortune then don’t wear a Santa suit because that shit makes everything ten billion times funnier. A regular dude laying on the ground in a neck brace after his skydiving accident isn’t funny, Santa laying on the ground in a neck brace after his skydiving accident is hysterical.

PS – Love the commentary so fucking much, it might be my favorite part. “Santa’s coming in a little short.” Uhhhh, ya think?

*Honestly I really don’t. I know I should, I’m aware that feelings are things I should feel, but I just don’t.

h/t Mike