Is Jamie Collins Throwing Shots at the Patriots on Instagram?


Ouch, Jamie Collins. To quote the great philosopher Richard Sherman, “You mad, bro?

Look, we were all surprised when Belichick traded Collins to Cleveland. And by now, the only thing we should be surprised by is the fact that Belichick is still capable of surprising us. Collins hasn’t had 17 years of shocking moves to get used to like the rest of us. So it’s only natural he’d be stunned to the point of irreversible trauma to find himself playing for the worst team in football. We get it. But don’t try to tell us your happy about it.

I guess it’s just a human nature thing. Show me a guy who got let go by a Fortune 500 company after being a VP for 25 years and I’m sure he’d try to convince you he hated the stress and is much better off working retail or whatever. Here we’ve got Collins going from the favorite to win the Super Bowl to a mortal lock to be just the second 0-16 team in history, and there can’t be enough S’s in the word “sucks” to describe how that must feel. And yet he’s trying to convince us he’s happier being dumped by the prom queen and dating the biggest slumpbuster in the school. Sorry. But you can’t bullshit a region of bullshitters.

P.S. Collins’ post might just be about his own religious and spiritual journey, and have nothing whatsoever to do with the Patriots. If that’s the case, I take it all back. God bless.