Guy Films Himself Sitting Shotgun As His Friend Gets Chased By The Cops

Ok, it’s kind of fucked up/funny to have a song that’s lyrics are “Brother On The Run” playing in the background of the video. It kind of undercuts the seriousness of the situation and makes a terrifying stretch into a pretty funny piece of slapstick comedy. If you want to see the original video without the blaxploitation Foxy Brown  music in the background, you can check that out here.

Questionable move to film yourself and your friend as you break the law, but it’s a) content and b) evidence, and if you’re gonna be in the bing for a little bit, it’s good to have a backlog of video for the people. And this is a pretty strong video to leave up on social media for a couple of days years while you try to convince the judge, jury and your lawyer that you just hopped in the car with this dude and you weren’t at all involved with whatever made him run from the cops.

I have two driving away from the police stories (not to seem like a total badass, but I wouldn’t mind seeming like a total badass), one where I was driving and one where I was not. It’s the clammy, sweaty-palmed, full-body-tension, that you get when a cop pulls up in your rear view, but times a billion. Luckily though, I fully got away both times, so I got to experience the tsunami of relief that these men, unfortunately, are not lucky enough to feel.

My tales are from a time before ubiquitous cell phone videos, so I can’t say definitively whether I would have filmed or not, but I guess people filming themselves running from cops is a thing folks do now?