A Chick Decided To Fight Off Sexist YouTube Trolls By Making A Sandwich All Sassily, Sure Showed Them

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YouTube/IISuperwomanII – For everyone who tells me to get back in the kitchen and make them a sandwich, I thought it would be helpful to make this tutorial. Please enjoy! But real talk, I had SO MUCH FUN shooting this video and I’m debating making this a series. But don’t worry, on the regular, I’ll ALWAYS prioritize replying to your wonderful, supportive comments.

So I’ll be honest, for as overproduced as this was, how corny it was at parts, and how not my cup of tea the rest of her channel seems, this was kinda funny at parts I guess. But the thing that gets me is how do you let these dudes in your head that badly with such a trite, poorly spelled insult? It’s like when you’re driving and get a hint of road rage going and you yell the meanest thing you can conjure up at the other driver that’s specific to them; that person on the road may not actually have sex with their mother or be a particular epithet but it’s the first thing that comes to mind, the most basic of burns. You can’t take something like that to heart because it’s meaningless, and especially not to the extent where you make a video like this clearly so butthurt over it. This chick has 10 million subscribers on YouTube and some “get in the kitchen” joke is getting her that riled up? Get thicker skin lady.


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Salami, skim zero fat cheese, honey mustard and mayo? Maybe the point of this video was that she’s not your typical women because she makes some godawful sandwich choices. Nice presentation and all but this sandwich isn’t making it into the second round in my Feminist Sandwich Making episode of Chopped with that horse shit.