Leaked Footage From Anthony Weiner's Documentary Of When He And His Wife Found Out About His Sex Scandal Is Wayyyy Too Real

Source – [LEAKED] Footage from campaign office of Huma Abedin and her husband Anthony Weiner when news of his sexting scandal first broke. How does she react after finding out her significant other had been sexting behind her back with 22 yr. olds? She asks “what’s your press statement going to be?” with zero emotion.

After the film was released, Weiner claimed that “Kriegman [the documentary producer] had assured him verbally and in emails that he would not use Abedin in the film without her consent”, and that Abedin never granted permission for Kriegman to use the footage.

When your man’s nonstop barrage of dick pics get leaked online and you have to ask him about press statements instead of stabbing him <<<

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But my god what a real moment. Anthony Weiner there at his most detached from reality, thinking he can somehow save his career with a well-written statement and his political charms, her robotically having to help him out even though she clearly hates every single choice in life that got her to this moment, her turning her back on him as he tries to bullshit his way out of the situation and she has to just turn her back to him in disgust…I mean wow. That is real fucking shit right there. I honestly feel bad for her, or about as bad as one can for a woman who stayed with this dude as he lied his face off and ultimately rubbed her nose in it again by fucking around with a teenager. No one deserves to get put through the ringer like that.

Then again, YouTube’s staying “woke” and they are decidedly not moved by Huma’s struggle:

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Poor Huma.