A White Supremacist Group Will Be Handing Out Liquor And Weed In North Philly Tomorrow To "Suppress Minority Voting"


Philly.com – An “alt-right” white supremacist group says it plans to hand out liquor and marijuana in Philadelphia as a way to suppress minority voting…The group says it plans to accomplish its goal Tuesday through handing out “40s and weed” in “the ghettos in Philly,” according to an email sent to Politico.

“We also have some teams going in to the ghettos in Philly with 40s and weed to give out to the local residents, which we think will lead to more of them staying home,” read the email sent by an unnamed TheRightStuff.biz team member. “We have had success with this in the past.” The term 40s refers to 40-ounce bottles of malt liquor.

Ahhh yes. What a wonderful idea. Sending a bunch of white people into North Philly with an abundance of 40s and weed. I’m sure those people won’t get mugged and brutally beaten and/or shot within the first 15 minutes of walking through the “ghettos”. What the fuck do you think this is? Some ‘Secret Santa’ shit where you can walk down Erie Ave. passing out free liquor and weed, and the lovely residents are just going to be grateful and go on their way? Shit no. You get a gun pulled on you, all of your shit taken, knocked out and now your left wandering the streets of North Philly without shoes or a phone.

Now I will give this group at least a little bit of credit. The idea, in theory, makes sense. It’s a scumbag idea but I get what they’re going for nonetheless. Kind of falls into the “so dumb that it might actually work” category. But we’ve all had plenty of ideas before that work out so much better in our head than they do in real life. This will be one of them. But I sure as heck hope they go through with it because a bunch of KKK members getting the shit kicked out of them in North Philly is content, content, content.
