Snoop Says What We're All Thinking: "Golf Is Garbage Without Tiger Woods"

You tell’em, Uncle Snoop! Golf is pure garbage without Tiger Woods. It’s like some goddamn shake and bake chicken. There isn’t a single golfer people like to watch on the PGA Tour right now. Nobody watches golf anymore! Literally no one. Not a single viewer watches the tournaments!

Okay so obviously Snoop is super wrong cause golf is in a fantastic place right now. So many young guys to watch who are electric and have great personalities. I’m sure he’s right on some level. Even guys like Rory and Rickie and Spieth and DJ don’t bring in as many casual fans as Eldrick did once upon a time but that’s an impossible bar to set. Golf is young and deep and that’s all we can really ask for. With all that said, it’s hard for me not to side with a fellow Tiger guy. It makes me feel better about being a Tiger guy knowing that Snoop is also a Tiger guy. Snoop is the best. Nobody hates Snoop. So knowing he’s in my corner with Tiger makes me feel warm inside. Just one of the many things Snoop and I have in common (we probably have almost nothing in common cause he’s a cool black guy and I’m a fat white blogger).