Critics Now Say Bill Belichick Will Be On The Hot Seat If He Doesn't Win The Super Bowl

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(SI) Belichick was largely given a pass for those decisions because he’s more than earned it, but if the Patriots fail to win the Super Bowl this season after Jones and Collins trades, the criticism will be real and unrelenting. New England regularly preaches about their financial discipline, the importance of depth and how no one is above the team. The Patriots and Belichick may indeed be right again. New England is the most complete team in the AFC, and is the odds-on favorite to win another Super Bowl title. But if the team fails to deliver, New England will be talking about the Jones and Collins deals for years to come and, for the first time in a long time, questioning whether Belichick still makes all the right moves.
I’ve read a lot of funny articles in my time but this one may take the cake.   Oh trading Jamie Collins means it’s Super Bowl or bust for the Pats.   Oh if belichick doesn’t win his 5th Super Bowl this year he’s going to have a ton of explaining to do blah,blah,blah.

Think about what we’re saying people!  Most teams are happy to make the freaking playoffs.  With the Patriots the season is a failure if we don’t hoist the Lombardi Trophy. And that’s with or without the Collins trade. It’s always superbow or bust around these parts.  That’s how insane this team is.   That’s how fucking unbelievable we are.  (Yes I can say we.  Belichick, Brady, Portnoy).  So the fact a real website wrote a real article saying that if the Pats don’t win it all again than the season was a disaster is actually the greatest testament to Belichick anybody could give. Don’t these idiot reporters get it? No team in the history of the Salary cap era could ever say that and will ever be able to say it again.    To say a man has failed if he doesn’t win his 5th ring is simply AMAZING.   THEY HATE US CAUSE THE AINT US