A Street Performer In Paris Unleashed The Best Moonwalk You Will See Today

Anytime I see a moonwalk, my brain goes crosseyed and I just stare and rewatch the video on loop, which usually ends up with me going down a moonwalking video rabbit hole until it’s my next meal. Nothing about the moonwalk registers to my simple human brain. And this one is no different. Holy shit that dude can moonwalk. How is he just some street performer in Paris? Dude is overqualified as fuck. Give that man a job, benefits, and a shoebox apartment in Manhattan tomorrow. Even the King of Pop would tip his cap to this Frog that apparently has Jell-O for bones. The fact this video came out almost a year ago and hasn’t gone viral is a goddamn shame. I refuse to believe that we are great moonwalking videos for granted in this world. When I die, I want my family to hire this guy to moonwalk around the funeral home during my wake.

Now if you will excuse me, I’m heading back down another moonwalk rabbit hole until late lunch.