Here We Have A Guy In A Wingsuit Crashing Into A Bunch Of Trees

What an idiot! What a loser! For the record, that guy lived. He’s fine. A few broken bones but he’s gonna make it. I can’t post a video of someone’s death I don’t think. Not only would we probably get sued but I’m so scared of death that it’s bad karma to post someone else dying. Post a video of someone shoving off into the dark abyss in a wing suit jump gone wrong, you follow soon there after. That’s just how death works.

Anyway. Pure craziness that people still do this shit. I understand that everyone’s different and people want different things outta life but the thought of, ” I’m gonna jump off this really high cliff dressed like a bat” has never crossed my mind. Never not once. And it’s because of what happened in that video right there. Yes, the views are great and I bet that adrenaline rush to the head is better than any drug anywhere. But what happens when you run outta steam unexpectedly? I guarantee that dude knew 30 seconds before he crashed that he was gonna crash and he couldn’t do a damn thing about it. That feeling of helplessness sounds so damn scary. No thanks.