This "Period Explosion" Prank Is The Stupidest Thing I've Ever Seen

Listen up folks. I know less about the vagina, and female anatomy as a whole, than just about anybody on planet earth. Despite numerous uncomfortable sex talks from teachers over the years and some limited experience, the female plumbing system completely escapes me. But even I know vaginas don’t bleed that much. Or at least I hope they don’t. About a gallon of “blood” came pouring out of that chick’s “vagina” over the course of less than two minutes. That’s not a period. That’s a medical emergency or the worst prank of all time. Judging from the reaction of the people on the street, they know vaginas don’t bleed that much either. It’s never good when you attempt a gross-out prank and 90% of the bystanders are laughing in your face. That means you failed. The only people running and jumping outta the way like it was a gun fight were kids cause they don’t know WHAT THE FUCK is happening. Everybody else is just embarrassed for the girl and her fake blood. Sad!

God bless that Asian lady at the end though. The world needs less people who pretend to have blood pouring out of their vaginas and more people who will help a person despite their dumb-as-fuck prank.